The History of RMPDS

The History of Rocky Mountain

Since 1956 Rocky Mountain Poison & Drug Safety has been a place for worried parents to call when they thought a child might have ingested a poison or other harmful substance. From our modest beginnings as a phone in a small closet on the pediatrics ward of then Denver General Hospital, to a collection of state-of-the-art contact centers handling over 1.5 million cases annually, what hasn't changed is the dedication of our staff to be there when you need us.

For more information on our first 50 years, please click RMPDS 50th Anniversary.  

In the more than 10 years since turning 50, RMPDS continues to expand our services and technology for both our public and private clients. In 2014 we launched a new telephony platform with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) capabilities not only supporting voice contacts but also other forms of communications (email, chat, text, video) to prepare us for the future. In 2017 we launched Omni-Channel services (email, chat and text) in our Poison Center − see the available options on our homepage. We expanded those capabilities to our other contact centers (Drug Safety and NurseLine). As technology advances, so does RMPDS advance in our vision of "Saving Lives With Answers". You can contact us to find out more about our current programs, capabilities, and technology. We would appreciate the opportunity to determine the solutions we could offer you.